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Interview Candidates for Free

Tell us your job description and we will find the right candidates

We verify their credentials, check references, and make sure all candidates match your requirements. All our candidates have excellent English speaking skills.

We send you resumes of shortlisted candidates

You decide who you want to interview. If you are not satisfied with any of our shortlisted candidates, we will send you more profiles to consider.

You interview the candidates through Skype

We will setup a convenient time for you to interview all the candidates. Interviewing through Skype is quite easy. You can see them through webcam, and chat with them through a headset for free.

Once you are completely satisfied with a candidate, let us know

  • We will setup time tracking tools so you can monitor your contractor.
  • Pay only for hours that you require. If you decide to terminate staff, we will refund the hours on a pro-rata basis.
  • You can give 24 hour termination notice anytime.
  • No recruitment fees, no setup fees, no hidden fees.

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